Monday, July 22, 2019

Discover the Health Benefits of Curcumin

Discover the Health Benefits of Curcumin -Part of our duty of care to ourselves and our families is in ensuring we remain in optimum health. This little know herb extract should definitely be one you consider using, if you are not already.

You may be surprised to know that the health benefits of curcumin where known about long ago in such far away places like India and China.

Ancient healers were quick to recognize it as being a potent healing plant that they used to control pain, treat wounds and digestive disorders.

The turmeric plant, from which it is extracted was so important in India that it was also used in many of their rituals and ceremonies, like at weddings. Even to this present day it's still used in their daily diet as a prime component of curry powder.
Plus, this next fact is sort of related but more to do with skin. Have you ever wondered how good Indian women's skin is? No, well next time take a second glance and you'll see what I mean. Just one more of the apparent health benefits of curcumin.
Plus, here are some of more instances where users of this fine herb have seen their conditions eased or helped in a small but positive way. Sufferers of type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, alzheimer's, certain forms of cancers and even acne. Much of this can be attributed to our certainty of knowing that curcumin is a truly effective antibacterial, anti inflammatory, anti viral and last but not least an antioxidant.
Maybe the real health benefits of curcumin are in its preventative qualities as that old cliche of prevention is better than the cure rings true once more.

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits - Tea is made from the dried leaves of a shrub called Camellia sinensis. Historically, India, China, Japan, and Thailand have been drinking its brew for thousands of years. Because ancient sages realized the health benefits of green tea, it became part of their rituals and ceremonies. Tea drinking is inculcated in the culture of most Asian countries. India and China were the first cultivators of tea and still are today, the largest producers of tea.
Chemical Composition

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Risk factors and ways to avoid uncomfortable complication after tooth extraction

Having wisdom teeth surgery can be a real pain, but if your healing regimen goes awry, you can find yourself in a world of hurt. An expert from the Texas A&M College of Dentistry explains this uncomfortable complication and how to avoid it.

Scientists reveal Connshing syndrome as new cause of hypertension

Research led by scientists at the University of Birmingham has revealed a new cause of high blood pressure which could lead to major changes in managing the disease.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, often goes unnoticed but if left untreated can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Heart Rate Variability Analysis As A Health Indicator

As society becomes more health conscious and as the search continues for a more balanced lifestyle, this focus has recognized that there are direct links between the health and balance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and cardiovascular mortality. Sudden cardiac deaths have risen and alarmingly in even the most healthy of individuals. Questions have arisen as to whether there is any link between the propensity for lethal arrhythmias and increased sympathetic or reduced vagal activities. As answers are sought, efforts have been made to develop measures or markers of autonomic activity and the balance or imbalance therein. One of these markers is heart rate variability (HRV). This marker measures the variations in heart rate and is calculated by analyzing the beat-to-beat intervals from ECG or arterial pressure tracings. A heart beat occurs when a set of special cells continuously distribute electrical pulsations throughout the heart muscle in specialized pathways.

The Health Benefits of Juicing

More and more people are catching onto the health benefits of juicing and it is easy to see why, as supplying your body with fruit and vegetable juices on a consistent basis is a great way to get all of the nutrients that you need.
In recent years, sales of juicers have gone through the roof, and so has the amount of organic fruit and vegetables that you can find in the supermarkets and at local stores. With this in mind, there is no reason you cannot drink fresh homemade juice every single day and feel great because of it.
There is nothing better than your own homemade juice, as you are aware of exactly what is going into it. The same cannot be said about the juices that come in cartons, which often claim to be "healthy" but are very often loaded with processed sugar and additives which are harmful to your body. When it comes to the subject of juicing, your body deserves the best, and that is why you should look to go natural as much as possible.

Discover the Health Benefits of Curcumin

Part of our duty of care to ourselves and our families is in ensuring we remain in optimum health. This little know herb extract should definitely be one you consider using, if you are not already.
You may be surprised to know that the health benefits of curcumin where known about long ago in such far away places like India and China. Ancient healers were quick to recognize it as being a potent healing plant that they used to control pain, treat wounds and digestive disorders.

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