Monday, July 22, 2019

Discover the Health Benefits of Curcumin

Discover the Health Benefits of Curcumin -Part of our duty of care to ourselves and our families is in ensuring we remain in optimum health. This little know herb extract should definitely be one you consider using, if you are not already.

You may be surprised to know that the health benefits of curcumin where known about long ago in such far away places like India and China.

Ancient healers were quick to recognize it as being a potent healing plant that they used to control pain, treat wounds and digestive disorders.

The turmeric plant, from which it is extracted was so important in India that it was also used in many of their rituals and ceremonies, like at weddings. Even to this present day it's still used in their daily diet as a prime component of curry powder.
Plus, this next fact is sort of related but more to do with skin. Have you ever wondered how good Indian women's skin is? No, well next time take a second glance and you'll see what I mean. Just one more of the apparent health benefits of curcumin.
Plus, here are some of more instances where users of this fine herb have seen their conditions eased or helped in a small but positive way. Sufferers of type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, alzheimer's, certain forms of cancers and even acne. Much of this can be attributed to our certainty of knowing that curcumin is a truly effective antibacterial, anti inflammatory, anti viral and last but not least an antioxidant.
Maybe the real health benefits of curcumin are in its preventative qualities as that old cliche of prevention is better than the cure rings true once more.

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits - Tea is made from the dried leaves of a shrub called Camellia sinensis. Historically, India, China, Japan, and Thailand have been drinking its brew for thousands of years. Because ancient sages realized the health benefits of green tea, it became part of their rituals and ceremonies. Tea drinking is inculcated in the culture of most Asian countries. India and China were the first cultivators of tea and still are today, the largest producers of tea.
Chemical Composition

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